About the Nordic E-Commerce Association

WE promote business digitization in the Nordics and bridge trades between the e-commerce markets in the Nordics and China.

Nowadays, e-commerce in China has already exceeded 30% of total retail sales and is leading new trends that impact the rest of the world. In Europe, the e-commerce market is also growing at a rapid pace, but it is only representing about 10% of total retail sales. As active e-commerce professionals well-knowing the Nordic and Chinese e-commerce markets, we believe there are huge opportunities between the two markets, and we feel responsible to promote business digitization in the Nordics and bridge trades between the two markets.

Therefore, in 2018, Nordic E-Commerce Association (NECA) was founded by us, a group of experienced e-commerce professionals and service providers from different business areas including digital marketing, payment solution, logistics and platform operation, etc. Today NECA has around 20 members in the Nordics, spanning a broad spectrum of e-commerce services including internationally leading Norwegian corporations, small/medium sized enterprises as well as individual members.

Our Missions

We want to become the primary forum for creating and facilitating Nordic-Chinese e-commerce businesses by

  • Matchmaking e-commerce business between the Nordics and China​
  • Arranging seminars, events and delegation programs throughout each year​
  • Networking, discussing and learning new e-commerce ideas and digitalize business​
  • Providing information and reports of the Nordic e-commerce and development of digital China​
  • Creating new e-commerce environment in the Nordics and a digital bridge between the Nordics and China​

Our Partners

Nordic Express, GoDigitalChina, Nordkost, Gture, Apay Nordic, Cosin, Primex Chemicals, Novelty Foods, Wepack, Zington


Upcoming Events

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Selected Past Events


Membership Benefits

As a member of NECA, you get

Access to a number of regular events, where members can network and engage in discussions with significant international business figures, influential politicians and trade experts​

Access to seminars on diversified topics to promote bilateral business and cultural understanding​​

Assistance to attend trade fairs and exhibitions in both Nordics and China​​

Information of business opportunities, rules and regulations that are important in making business decisions​​

Membership Fee

As a non-profit organization, NECA receives no grants or financial aid of any kind. To maintain member-oriented activities, NECA relies on the financial support of our members. Currently, we have one type of membership:

Corporate membership: Entitles a company to register up to five employees who can receive business information from NECA directly. They are also entitled to attend meetings at a member rate. The company name will be listed in the membership directory on our website.

Corporate membership fee: 1 500 NOK per year, plus 0,01‰ of turnover (service fee is tax deductible). Minimum 3 000 NOK, Maximum 10 000 NOK per year.

Fill in the following application form if you wish to become a member. Alternatively, please get in touch at members@neca.no. We will process your application as soon as possible. The membership fee will be invoiced immediately after the acceptance of your membership application.

Application Form


    Find us at the office

    Kabelgata 39C, 0580 Oslo, Norway

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    Tlf: +47 911 666 55

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